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My approach integrates energy medicine and coaching/mentoring to varying degrees, depending on the client's needs and openness, and the type of activity we're undertaking together. So I often bring notions of energy medicine to coaching, and I bring a coaching posture-open, curious, non-judgmental and slightly provocative-to my energy sessions.


I never cease to be amazed at the impact that coaching and energy medicine practices can have on people, especially when combined.


My energy services are aimed at individuals, teams, groups or organizations, apart from personal sessions.  


  On purpose.

visuel de marque Sylvie Marcil : Energetics - Coaching - Énergétique


I include under coaching my services that relate more to leadership and the professional context: coaching, mentoring, workshops, training, and psychometric assessments.


Leadership is not a hierarchical position, but the ability to initiate, inspire and influence one's environment. Each of us is a leader in at least one aspect of our lives or aspires to be.


These services are for those who want to make a significant change in their organizations or develop as a leader, in every sense of the word, and improve their competencies such as negotiation, strategic planning, change management, effective communication, diversity and inclusion, and employee mobilization.

I support you in a conscious and intentional transformation process, based on your goals and your own energy patterns. Together we assess your needs and determine what changes you're ready to make and how to get there, based on your reality and your essence.


There are many different types of coaching, depending on your goals and whether you're embarking on it as a senior executive, middle manager, someone making a career transition or new to their job, an individual, alone or with others (refer to the relevant question in the FAQ). But fundamentally,


"Coaching is a partnership that focuses on the action our clients intend to take to realize their vision, goals and desires. Coaching provokes questioning that leads clients to self-discovery, raising their level of perception and responsibility."

— ICF Québec


Based on feedback from my clients, the benefits of coaching are many and quickly observed. The ones that come up most often, especially with middle managers, are : feeling safe and supported rather than alone facing their issue, increasing their self-confidence, having dedicated time to reflect on and explore a particular issue rather than reacting to it in the moment, being better equipped to have difficult discussions. (Check out the existing website if you're missing one, and find a relevant quote if not in the news...)


To find out more about our coaching services and identify your needs, make an appointment with me and together we'll determine the type of coaching that's right for you.

icone observer


We'll look at the way you are and the way you do things - your state of mind, the feelings you have and how they influence your behavior.

icone comprendre


We'll try to understand the results of your psychometric assessments, what motivates you to want to make changes, and what prevents you from being in accordance with your goals and values.

icone agir


We'll set up a plan with milestones and anchors so you can take action based on your goals, what motivates you and who you fundamentally are.

And we'll start again! ;-) because learning and self-development is a journey, not an end state. We'll observe the impact of the changes you've made, try to understand what still needs to shift and modify the action plan.

visuel de marque Sylvie Marcil : Energetics - Coaching - Énergétique

It's in you
to heal!


Energy medicine is a fascinating field. It is based on universal principles but recognizes that each person is unique. Each being is an extraordinary whole with its own intelligence.


Just as in our physical body, there are many principles and systems at work in our energetic body to keep us not just alive, but healthy and radiant. Often, these systems malfunction for all sorts of reasons, to varying degrees. It's the aim of energy medicine to balance and harmonize the flow of energy in these systems, so they communicate well with each other, and you feel better—physically,  mentally and emotionally—as if everything were flowing effortlessly.


I subscribe to the notion of sustainable health and integrate several energetic approaches into my practice according to clients' needs.

Your biography influences your biology. In other words, everything you experience in life is imprinted in the memory of your cells, whether you're aware of it or not, and has repercussions on every aspect of your life, including your well-being, and that of those around you, even generations that follow.


During personal sessions, we try to get to the source of energy imbalances that cause the unease that you feel. Your energy is detectable far beyond the physical contours of your body, and during sessions we track this energy - finding blockages in different systems and tracking how this influences other systems. Each session is tailored to your needs and pace, and often triggers deep relaxation.


Techniques involve light or deep touch and the movement of my hands in your energy field. I'll also demonstrate techniques you can use at home to help maintain your new energy balance.


These sessions can take place in my environment, remotely or in the comfort of your home. Weather permitting, our sessions take place outdoors, surrounded by nature.


"Energy is the magic of your body that allows it to heal itself.”

Donna Eden
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